April 19, 2024

Activity Feed

ALL notifications of your activity in Tally

 Activity Feed

Missed a couple notifications? Don’t worry because they are not going anywhere.

To access your Activity Feed, from the bottom, main menu on the Tally home screen, tap the 'clock' icon just to the right of the RED TALLY IT create content button.

In chronological order, all of your notifications from the time you joined Tally are immortalized here.

One very important item is PRIVATE MESSAGES. Only when you gift points to/from another Tally User that private messages are allowed. Keep track of all in your activity feed.

Dozens of other notifications are documented in your Activity feed. From who liked your posts, or those you've liked, to comments, shares and more. Know when any of your following make it atop the leaderboard or get awarded the Video of the day.